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Body Perception booklet
How can preexisting knowledge of an audience be guaged ? How much do young people know about their bodies? The booklet is a tool for trainers/teachers of health education to understand how people visualise their bodies. This information helps the educators to plan a session/lesson on anatomy.

Drawing made by a non literate
young woman

Both male and female booklets are made up of predrawn layers. Incomplete elements in the front and back picture have to be filled in by the participants, then the first inside layer for the external structure, then the second layer for internal body organs.

When rural young people map their own bodies, a number of interesting perceptions are revealed.

  • There is only one lung
  • The baby develops within the stomach - therefore eat less as there will be no place for the baby to grow
  • Buttermilk, ghee (clarified butter), banana should be avoided during the pregnancy as it gets deposited on baby’s head hinders delivery
  • You can easily get pregnant during mensturation
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