
Basic weaknesses of communication programs:
  • Minimal planning
  • Assumption that awareness automatically leads to action
  • One-size-fits-all messages neglected the diversity of the audience
  • Lack of pre-testing
  • Lack of methodology
  • Lack of indicators/evaluation tools
  • General arrogance of the educator and disregard for indigenous knowledge

Why Communication Fails.

Design and communication has traditionally been viewed only as an extension of a development program, and when visual communication is employed, designers, artists, communication planners, and program managers neglect the needs of their audience. Designers create one-size-fits-all messages, and communication managers follow professional communication strategies. However, there is a blatant disconnect between the sender of visual messages - who are typically urban, educated professionals - and the receiver of the message - who are often rural, illiterate villagers - in development programs.

There is a need for group, age, gender-specific communication material for a rural context.

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